Ballet Shop
Sauté Dance Studio
How to order
Screenshot (photo) of ballet dress that you would like to order
Forward your screenshot + size* to school's line account : @sautedance
The school will check the stock and confirm back to you soon
After you confirm the order, will provide the payment details via line
Pick up the order at the school (date to be confirmed via line)
*Ballet Dress (Leotard) and shoes size can be measured following the instruction below or measure after class at the school
**If the size is not fit, the school will help change accordingly providing that it is not been used.
Scan for order
Line's ID: @sautedance
Sauté's Line
QR code
Credit : Sansha Dance Shop
Contact us
Walk - 5 mins walk from MRT Latphrao Station
By taking exit 4 then walk via Soi Latphrao 21
Driving - Entrance via Latphrao Soi 19 & 21, Parking is available in front of Studio
Open Daily: 9.00am - 6.00pm